What a difference from last week’s blizzard… not a cloud in the sky and above seasonal normal temperatures. Brooklyn had a perfect pair of pink cotton gloves and the rest of the gang was down a few layers. Olivia and Riddley missing again today. Promise me you’ll be here for our last week.
I’m very fond of owls too, Soldis. I got a photo of this handsome fellow in the village last summer .
Soldis arrived just in time and the “Six Pack” was out the door shortly after my 9:00am alarm went off. Up the gondola then Red, we parked one pole at the light board. Balancing poles on our wrists, we did the top half of Green Acres making those “Big-S” turns. I only saw one pole hit the snow. Well done all! We did the bottom half of the run at a faster pace holding poles like we are riding our bikes. I had the kids count “1-2 turn” followed by trying to stay on one ski on the road to the Emerald chair.
Back at the Roundhouse, we picked up our poles and skied Ego Bowl, the bumps in Cougar Trail and those next to the Enchanted Forest. There was a huge lineup at Emerald, so we skied pretty much non-stop to Garbanzo. Finley wasn’t too keen to do Dave Murray but gave a good effort making 3 Big-S turns followed by 6 little-s turn series on the icy pitch. Down the Toilet Bowl, we picked up the pace on the road back to Raven’s Nest. Perfect timing for skiing to the bottom for our 12:15 lunch.
Scotty tagged up with us at the Dave Murray entrance off Expressway. Gulp! The boss was assessing me. The Sewer was really icy but the kids made good turns keeping on the left side. Watching them all come down from Coaches Corner, I gave them a thumbs up. Keeping to the left side of Powerline, I got an impressive behind-and-below regrouping at the top of Murr’s Hoppe / Hot Air. The kids skied as fast as they could to the caution sign on the last pitch. Catching up with them, there was a chorus of “Can we have a free ski?”. I gave instructions to spread out, make lots of turns, be safe and sent them on their way. Thank you team: Scotty was impressed with the confidence and skills demonstrated. I think I passed.
Lunch was a raucous party scene! Swamp water for the day was orange juice and lemonade. Sigrid poured from our jug down Axel and Beckett’s gullet. It was pretty loud and rowdy outside getting gloves, jackets and helmets on. Spring is in the air.
It was 1:00pm… I was particularly conscious of the time after last week’s misadventure. At the light board, Axel had an excellent drill suggestion (see the video!)… so we parked one pole and into Ego Bowl we went. We then did the bumps in Cougar Trail keeping our bicycle handle bars pointed down the fall line. The brushes were still set up in the School Yard, so we did a slalom run back to the chair.
Picking up our poles from the light board we skated to Roundhouse Roll. I think Maleah’s favourite way to do it is sliding down on her backside… sheesh! Into Whiskey Jack, a snow snake caught Axel and he had a good tumble. All good though. We did the last hockey stop and side slipping drill for the season to the Chick Pea. We parked our skis and had some water, gummies and fun feeding the Whiskey Jacks.
Skis on we skated the flats and repeated the Dave Murray / Toilet Bowl route back to Raven’s Nest. Beckett had a good splat on the way… speed control there young fellow! Axel signed out with Dad and the rest of us downloaded for our 2:45 meet up… on time today.
Going over the time stamp on my video clips, I’ve amended the results in Scotty’s newsletter…
Soldis: 22.15
Maleah: 24.25
Axel: 25.12
Brooklyn: 25.42
Beckett: 26.05
Finley: 29.23
Next week’s theme is “Retro Week - Hippies”… I think I can dig up an outrageous kit for the day.