A polar vortex brought us cold weather this morning but it was another blue sky day! My weather app said -22c at the top and our morning meeting consensus was to stick to gondolas. Axel, Finley, Riddley and Soldis were here to brave the conditions. Kinder classes were pretty small today so we teamed up with Elyse and her two charges, Cameron and Kye. Bundled up with additional layers, hand warmers, neck warmers and balaclavas, out we went.
Skis on at Raven’s Nest, our two classes skied the squeaky snow down Crossroads onto Lower Franz’s. Not too icy and we were the only ones on the run. Elyse and her team skied the right side, we took the left. Poles were a nuisance with hand warmers in mitts. We crossed back onto Dave Murray through the bumps at XY junction. The snow cannons were busy so we had first tracks through the sugary snow. The snow spray stuck like glue to my goggles testing my blind skiing skills. :)
At the bottom Chaand checked for any frostbite symptoms. None of his kids were here today, so thanks for helping us. Skis off, we went into Dusty’s Backside for a brief warmup. Back out, kids left their poles where we parked them and up we went for another lap.
Much better turns with no poles! I found a GoPro selfie stick on the run, and as part of our Epic Promise to keep the mountain clean, picked it up and left it on a pole by the gondola outside the learning area… then, into the Minions building for our 11:15 lunch reservation we went.
Axel managed to score two grilled cheese sandwiches and Finley got an extra jam sandwich. Riddley wasn’t impressed with the the mac and cheese, so I swapped my grilled cheese with him. Swamp water today was cranberry juice and lemonade. In the scramble leaving Riddley’s vest went AWOL, and we had to hunt for Soldis’ and Axel’s FLAIKS on the patio… sheesh!
The kids were excited to have a race to the beaver bench on Expressway… that got everyone warmed up again. Axel had helmet “issues”. Elyse and I had frozen fingers trying to put it back together. On the gondola ride up we read Robert Munsch’s “Stephanie’s Pony Tail” then into the Roundhouse for some well deserved hot chocolate. Kye managed to spill a full cup soaking Elyse’s neck warmer… and Axel showed us how easy it was to fix his helmet… :( Back out, my poles had gone AWOL! I hope I left them on the gondola. Another seniors moment… last week I lost my ROBINSKI name tag.
Riddley had a good yard sale on Upper Whiskey Jack doing hockey stop turns to the Chickpea. We skated the flats to Orange Peel with hands behind our backs. Elyse thought that drill was interesting. Good Big-S turns and tucks to Pony Trail. Over the jumps towards Goat’s Gully and regrouping at the entrance to Bear Cub… Dave Murray got the thumbs up. Elyse didn’t want to mention it was a black diamond run to Kye and Cameron. However, all skied it with panache!
Regrouping at Raven’s Nest, we made the decision to ski out. So… Crossroads to Lower Franz’s. It was icier than this morning. Finley took the class through some hard bumps at the side of the run. There were a few splats and one of Soldis’ gloves ended up 30ft below her! We picked up the pace from XY junction on Dave Murray to the bottom almost on time for our 2:45 end-of-day.
All in all, the day was much better than I expected. I did have another brain freeze though, and forgot to give the kids mid season progress cards. I’ll keep them in my jacket for next week.
Next week’s theme is “Show the Love” and from Scotty’s notes: Friendships grow like trees, you need to give them attention, care and love to help them grow strong. What do you like most about your Kinder Friends? Add your message to our tree, so everyone can see.